Henderson County, Kentucky Biography


Elijah SELLERS, Jr., one of the enterprising and successful young men of Henderson County, Kentucky, was born in that county, 10 Apr 1875. He is a son of Elijah SELLERS, a sketch of whom appears elsewhere in this work. During his boyhood he attended the public schools, where he received his primary education. In 1888-89 he went to the West Kentucky College, in 1891 he entered the Louisville School of Pharmacy and graduated the following year. Upon leaving school he embarked in the drug business at Sturgis, in Union County, where he remained for five years, after which he was for three years in Corydon and two years in Henderson. In 1902 his father gave him one hundred and fifty acres of land from the old homestead and since then he has been engaged in farming and stock raising. He carries on a general farming business, but inclines to the buying and feeding of stock as a specialty. In this line of work he has displayed good judgment and has been quite successful. In his political views Mr. SELLERS is a Democrat and takes a laudable interest in all questions of public policy, particularly those of a local nature. On 10 Dec 1902, Mr. SELLERS was united in marriage to Miss Maude LOCKETT, daughter of Walter and Rena LOCKETT. Her father is one of the substantial farmers of Henderson County. Mr. and Mrs. SELLERS are both members of the Second Presbyterian Church of Henderson.

Memoirs of the Lower Ohio Valley, Federal Publishing Company, 1905



Maud L. Sellars, 8 Aug 1968, Fernwood, Age 93, 332, 5

Walter L. Sellars, born 11 Oct 1905, died 9 Aug 1984, Fernwood
Helen O. Sellars, born 25 Aug 1907, died 25 Oct 1991, Fernwood

Contributed by Netta Mullin, HCH&GS
Copyright 2002 HCH&GS